ICM Inter-Institutional Agreements
General Information
According to Erasmus+ Programme rules, student and staff exchanges are possible within the framework of Erasmus+ ICM between Higher Education Institutes based in Programme Countries (all member states of the European Union, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Turkey, Serbia and Republic of North Macedonia) and in Partner Countries.
Participating HEIs of Programme Countries must hold the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education 2014-2020 (ECHE). The list of Erasmus Charter Holders is available at https://eacea.ec.europa.eu/erasmus-plus/actions/erasmus-charter_en
The Inter-Institutional Agreements contain information such as the number of provisioned exchanges/year for students and staff, the subject area of cooperation, the minimum language requirements, practical information etc.
The Vice Rector of Administration Issues, Academic Issues and Student Welfare is in charge of Erasmus+ Programme for International Credit Mobility (KA107) and signs all IIAs as Erasmus+ Institutional Coordinator. The European Programmes’ Office carries out the internal procedure of preparing the Institutional Application and concluding IIAs at the final stage. The Institutional Application consists of separate proposals per Country. The results are announced by the National Agency per country.
The internal procedure is done in steps:
Step 1:
The National Agency Annual Call is uploaded at the European Programmes’ Office website. At the same time, an invitation is sent to all teaching staff members of AUA to express their interest to take part in this Application i.e. to start a cooperation with HEIs based in Partner countries. This invitation is sent to their personal mail account in November and the deadline is usually set in mid-December.
Step 2:
Those interested receive further directions to prepare their part of application. Specifically they are asked to answer four quality questions to support the suggested cooperation (Relevance of the strategy, Quality of the cooperation arrangements, Quality of project design and implementation and Impact and dissemination)
Step 3:
The European Programmes’ Office prepares the Institutional Application and the Erasmus+ Committee for ICM approves the final version of it. The application procedure is finalized in early February.
Step 4:
The National Agency announces the results usually in June and the European Programmes’ Office of AUA forwards the results to the personal email account of all participants and to the Erasmus+ Committee for ICM.
Step 5:
The European Programmes’ Office prepares each IIA in collaboration with the representatives of the successful cooperation and the host University Erasmus Office.
How to apply for a new cooperation
Teaching staff members of a HEI in a Partner country who wish to start an IIA with AUA should contact the European Programmes’ Office at european_pr@aua.gr.
The following minimum requirements should be met in order to start a cooperation:
- The candidate HEI must offer courses in English to Erasmus incoming students. The web link to this course catalogue would be very useful to evaluate the compatibility of study programs of both Universities
- There must be a common scientific area of interest. The list of all Fields of Education and Training, ISCED-F 2013) is available at http://www.european.aua.gr/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/ISCED-F-2013.pdf
The European Programmes’ Office will then check among the relevant AUA Departmental Faculty if there is common interest for a cooperation. In case of positive reply, we will forward the contact details of the relevant teaching staff member of AUA in order to discuss directly the details of the cooperation (number of provisioned exchanges, duration of mobilities, subject area code etc.) and prepare jointly the proposal that will be included in the Institutional Application. The final version of the proposal is sent by the representative of AUA to the European Programmes’ Office of AUA in charge of the Institutional Application.
The IIA can only be signed if the National Agency approves it.